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Historial laboral

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Julio 2005 – Actualidad


Tucci EL Rey del Colchón.

Trabajo en la parte de ventas de Tucci El Rey del Colchón, situado en la localidad de Bahía Blanca

[toggle first_toggle=”yes” title=”Venta en salón”]Atención al público, manejo de caja y venta personal[/toggle] [toggle first_toggle=”yes” active=”yes” title=”Redes sociales”]Moderación de comentarios, atención al cliente y venta online. Pauta digital en menor medida.[/toggle] [toggle first_toggle=”yes” active=”yes” title=”Nexo empresas marketing digital”]Nexo para comprensión de métricas, establecimiento de objetivos en redes sociales y armado de ecommerce.[/toggle] [toggle first_toggle=”yes” active=”yes” title=”Carga contenido en página web”]Carga contenido en página web”]Desarrollo de los contenidos adecuados para la página web, creación de las imágenes y optimización de textos.[/toggle] [toggle last_toggle=”yes” active=”yes” title=”Marketplaces”]Carga contenido en página web”]Desarrollo de marketplaces para la firma, armado de contenidos, imágenes y desarrollo de los productos necesarios.[/toggle] [/event] [event]

Jun 2012 – Dec 2013

Web Developer

Google Inc.

I worked as a Web Developer at Google for 3 years. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
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Exclusive Author

Envato Inc.

I am an Elite Author at Envato. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
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Atom Science

Stanford University

I studied atomic stuff at Stanford University. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
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Software Engineering

Harvard University

I got my Master Degree at Harvard University. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
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Computer Science


I studied Computer Science at MIT. I create usable web interfaces, front end coding stuff and almost anything. But i love what i do.
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Vincent Wood

CEO / Gravity Inc.

He is a great and hardworking guy. I am so proud of i have him as my asistant. He helped me so much. Also i am so proud of i have him as my asistant. He helped me so much.
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Gary Morgan

Chemist / Freelancer

He was a great co-worker and a friend. I would’t be where i am without his support.
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Jason Wilson

Lab Geek / Miami Metro

He is ok. I don’t really know him. He looks nice.
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